
We are a group of people passionate about living a sustainable lifestyle off grid and connecting with other people on a similar journey. We have all had different experiences with living off grid or partially off the grid and love learning new skills and sharing with others.

Between us we are skilled in different areas of construction and love building things and taking on DIY projects. We understand first hand that things don’t always go to plan so we are trying to pass on our knowledge and experience to help others live their dream lifestyle. If you are wanting to collaborate or would like your project featured on our site, reach out to us with details via our contact page.



Athena living off grid

Athena is an American living in the state of Georgia. Her off-grid journey started when she was a teenager and her parents bought a recreational property they used on weekends. They slowly built it up and added facilities that allowed them to stay there as long as they wanted without needing extra resources like power from the grid. She wasn’t as interested back then and just wanted to spend time with her friends. She didn’t realise the valuable life skills she was learning at the time.

Fast forward a few years and she started to appreciate the foundations her parents taught her when she was younger and, when she left the Air Force, settled on a small property of around 4 acres and built a yurt. She enjoys living a life of freedom without having to work on someone else’s schedule and does some part-time freelance work online just to pay the bills.

She is very active in her local off-grid and homesteading communities and loves learning and helping other people with interesting projects like building earthships. She has a strong interest in sustainable ways of living and has a keen interest in combining permaculture principles with homesteading.




Scott is from Canada and was stuck in Thailand during the coronavirus pandemic due to travel restrictions. During his time there, Scott spent the days learning how to build adobe bricks and homes. During the wet season many of the bricks were damaged by the weather and Scott has had his share of frustrations leading to him adapting and refining his techniques.

His next project was a round earthbag house with a bamboo framed cone roof with thatch panel covering. He enjoyed the process and even purchased some strawbales to build a small building for a gym.

Scott has always been interested in DIY and started building his own small projects at the age of 14 from money he made after school shovelling snow from driveways and mowing lawns. After school he went into construction and water treatment industries where he learned valuable skills around building and materials.

Scott painting

Want to be part of our team?

We are happy to accept submissions to our site that are useful for our readers but they need to be high quality and step by step instructions that anyone can follow. We can also include a short bio and a link to your social media if you wish. You will be credited with the work, but this website would own the content to prevent it from use elsewhere. Only unique content written by real people is shared here and this is to protect the website integrity and user experience.

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